What are the top ten tips to stop acne breakouts?
- Prevention is The easiest and most effective way to fight acne and prevent the risk of long-term scarring. Starting early when the first pimple appears.
- Twice daily cleansing.
- Keep your hair off your face. Shampoo your hair daily and avoid heavy hair mousses and greasy hair compounds.
- Avoid greasy creams and sunscreens.
- Avoid fluorinated toothpaste.
- Proper diet. (Reduce Sugars, White flour, Salty food, and Cow milk).
- Never touch or squeeze. (Self or Aesthetician)
- Start early with nightly topical such as low-percentage benzoyl peroxide preparation.
- Topicals should always be applied ALL over the face to prevent NEW pimples.
- If the above is insufficient, do not hesitate to start Accutane, preferably in continuation with blue light phototherapy, to decrease the risk of flare-ups.
To find the right acne treatments for your unique skin, take the free skin assessment by clicking here.