Once I have my acne under control, what do I do about my left over acne scars?
There are few type of post acne signs:
Flat pink/reddish spots: These spots are caused by enlargement of microscopic capillaries. Fortunately, pink spots will usually fade without special treatment in a few weeks after your active Acne is over.
Flat brown spots: As brown will get darker in the sun, need you avoid the sun and use a sunscreen on a regular basis. Some of these spots will fade by themselves and some will need further treatment. Your MDacne creams contain ingredients that can help fade these post acne brown spots.
Persistent pink and brown spots can be also treated with light sources, called Intense Pulse light (IPL). These IPL’s produce intense pulses of light very similar to camera flash. The light is absorbed in small capillaries and the melanin globules in the spots causing them to fade.
To find the right acne treatments for your unique skin, take the free skin assessment by clicking here.