I am a 16 year old girl who has been suffering from acne from the ages of 13/14. I have tried everything to clear my skin and nothing has completely worked.
First, one needs to understand that main causes for acne are genetics = the tendency for acne in your family and hormonal changes. A good diet is important but it will usually stop acne breakouts by its own. Masks are not a good solution. It is better to use every day a combination of a mild acne cleanser, an anti-acne cream customized to your skin and an oil-free hydrating moisturizer to prevent dryness. The most important thing is using medical grade creams for at least 8-12 weeks. The way you use them is also important. The best is products that are customized to your skin. These will usually will be less irritating and allow you to keep on doing the treatment till you see results. The updated MDacne app can help you with that. To jump-start, your treatment, take a selfie in the app and let the app assess your skin. Once you start to use your products, track your skin with the app every day or two. You can also upload your picture to "chat with a Dermatologist" if you want a Dermatologist to take look at it.
I am a 16-year-old girl who has been suffering from acne from the ages of 13/14. I had really clear skin beforehand, then suddenly I started to get a lot of spots! I have tried everything to clear my skin and nothing has completely worked. Over the past few years, I have done my research on acne, it causes, and how to treat it and I have tried everything that is supposed to prevent and/or treat acne but it still doesn't work! I really is no obvious reason as to why I have acne; I drink a lot of water (3 liters a day), I don't have a bad diet, my skin isn't excessively oily, I exercise, my face isn't dirty, I don't pile on skin-care products, I don't wear any makeup and I take care of my skin. I find with my skin that products containing a lot of chemicals irritate my skin and cause it to become inflamed so I go for products that contain natural ingredients. At the moment, I am using Neutrogena light therapy acne mask (100% UV and chemical free so it's safe for my skin and natural to prevent irritation) which has seemed to reduce my spots a bit but not significantly. It's incredibly frustrating! Does anyone know what could be causing my acne and how I could treat it?
To find the right acne treatments for your unique skin, take the free skin assessment by clicking here.