Does vaping cause acne?
Recent studies have shown that TCH (tetrahydrocannabinol), one of the main ingredients in cannabis and marijuana, increases testosterone levels, which can ultimately trigger more acne breakouts. This rise in testosterone happens when the TCH is ingested and has an immediate effect, such as from smoking or vaping.
Having said that, the increase in testosterone associated with smoking or vaping cannabis or marijuana is quite small (3-5%) and therefore, likely has only a minor effect on acne if any. Additionally, THC does have anti-inflammatory an antioxidant effects while helping to reduces stress for some. These beneficial effects may help counteract the potential negative repercussions from the rise in testosterone levels when it comes to triggering or worsening acne.
Having said that vaping is better than smoking as smoke can suppress collagen production, which is important for healthy skin. Therefore, using a vaporizer may be a preferable option.
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