Skeptical, but it really does work.. and the support is wonderful
I am not typically someone who does reviews, but I am someone who reads them to determine if there is anyone in a similar situation to me using a product that I’m looking to use seeing positive results. For that reason, I am writing this to help anyone who might be in my shoes. I don’t have the worst acne, but I have acne bad enough it gives me anxiety to leave the house without makeup. My selfies do not do justice to the progress I’ve made with MD Acne the past month and a half, but I can honestly say that yesterday I left the house without makeup and was comfortable doing so. It was the first time in at least 2 years that I was comfortable enough to leave the house without makeup, so it was a really big deal to me. I did yard work today without it, but that’s not as big of a deal. I first ordered because I was literally trying things for a month or two, anything and everything I could try, and I had my all natural go to (that doesn’t really fix the problem but doesn’t make it flare up either) as a backup anytime something really made things bad. Again, I don’t have the worst acne in the world - my heart goes out to those who have it worse than me, I cannot even imagine the pain you feel because those suckers hurt - but I do get painful cysts and I was recently flaring up with little red guys all over my forehead and cheeks and nose that I just could not find a solution to. I really did find a solution with MD Acne. I was really skeptical at first because immediately after going through their whole questionnaire and thinking I was getting a customized routine, the system started trying to sell me stuff. Well, it turns out I really DO have a customized treatment, and it works very well. Not only that, but they tweak it if anything comes up (dryness/redness/peeling/any issue you have just tell them and they will help find a solution) AND they give wonderful tips and pointers for how to easily tweak the products you currently have so you don’t spend an arm and a leg on something new, and don’t have to wait for your next shipment to fix the issue either. The support has been amazing, I have never had that before, everyone is super kind and understanding, and the products really truly do work. I really hope this review helps someone make a good decision, I have recently learned that there are some not so real reviews out there and I am doing my part to give something a real, down to earth, honest review because if you are like me - sensitive skin that reacts to just about everything, have tried everything you can get your hands on to fix the painful bumps that sometimes even makeup doesn’t cover up, right down to making your own stuff at home because you just don’t trust anyone else anymore - this really could help you. And, it’s cheaper than Proactiv, which I reacted horribly to, with actual support, real people you can text in to who really respond within a few hours. Hands down, this is the most down to earth and best working skincare line I have found, and I greatly look forward to seeing the marks diminish in addition to the bumps diminishing, I only have two right now and that’s because of my period! Best of luck on your healing journey, don’t give up hope! I truly hope this helps someone out there!